
20 Effective And Applicable WordPress Plugins for Blog’s Typography

The best feature of it is that you can change your basic text to image or change it to something advance in order to enhance the blog’s typography. These plugins are basically used by web browsers to display new files, play videos, scan for viruses and much more. These plugins are very effective to enhance the overall quality of a blog and you can find different types of plugins according to your needs.

WordPress typography plugins add a specific abilities to your blog by which you can interact with your bloggers and receive maximum of your target audience. Perhaps it is an effective and elegant interface which knows how to fit the best in your blog’s theme and knows how to utilize the blog layout proficiently. This blog will help you to make understand the features like how better you can handle the things hyphens, long URLs, replacement of text with images (whether in headlines or to avoid censorship ), like drop caps, pull quotes, adding print centric elements and many more to your blogs.

This blog describes that how effective and easily you can imply your wordpress plugins for your blog’s typography. These plugins are very much important for every blog because it give a new touch and feel to your blog that may attract your viewers to respond more. Here Demonstrating 20 effective and applicable wordpress plugins for your blog’s typography. Hope you will like it and appreciate it.


This plug-in is basically a revamping of Image Headlines plugin in which it allows you to use images to replace the titles of your posts and hence avoiding the problem issue of guessing what fonts your users might have installed. This dynamic plugin helps you to replace text on your site with lucrative type font’s image. Specifically it replaces titles but apart from that you can replace about anything, may be just replace your header with image using of your choice font. It has also been tested with WP 1.5.2 up through 2.7.




By these drop caps you can affix stylish drop caps at the beginning of every first paragraph that increasing the readability of your post. Adding drop caps can also be done for commenting and excerpts. These plugins help you to add a customized drop caps to each posts and pages. This plugin has been tested with WP 2.3 up through 2.7.1.




Web typography is known for its amazing features like helping in space control, hyphenation, intelligent character replacement, styling, wrapping up long URL’S and emails, handling of quotes and other character and even CCS hooks for styling acronyms, ampersand, and other special characters much more. Its interesting feature is that it can support over 40 languages. It even works with WP 2.7 up through 2.8.4.




One stop solution for all your text formatting issues, allows you encoding and formatting each post globally on post and on comments. Once you install the plugin its setting remains ‘default’ and further you can change according to your need. Its text control features are pretty attractive and advance as it allows you to select among textile1, textile 2, markdown, WPautop and nl2br. No formatting or no encoding for smartypants or for character encoding.




Creating footnote is very deadly simple and this allows you to manage and develop footnotes and sidenotes as if you work on Microsoft Word document. After installation of WP footnotes just type whatever text you wish in double parenthesis and rest the plugin will do. It has the ability to repeat footnotes; you can refer a previous one by simply inserting the earlier used text or if you don’t want to do the typing again you can construct another footnote as shown in the figure.




This sum ups the feature to wordpress WYSIWYG editor as you can add custom tinyMCE plugins, add buttons to the toolbar manage the buttons with a drag and drop interface. Even if you don’t want to use entire buttons featured there then you can simply remove them.

There have the features to add layers, tables, emotions, advance image, linking properties, and even you can search and replace functionality and much more. For those who want to alter the features according to your need for them you have role based editor setting. It has known to work with version 2.8 and 2.81.




This plugin has the feature for font replacement with which you can create effective image that uses any open type or true type font from any font of your choice on your WP website. This plugin is Seo-friendly, easy and fast. You can use your own ttf or otf fonts with wordpress. It does not affect the search engines in reading and indexing as the actual source code remains the same. This plugin detect the tags and replace them so you don’t need to bother about the implementation on any useless CSS files. The plugin works with WP 2.5 up to 2.8.4.




WordPress plugin avails you this simple pull quote by which you can conveniently insert pull quotes into your blog post that emphasize certain phrases or sentences using custom fields. By CCS files you can edit pull quotes in a styled way. It has also known for work with WP 2.7 or 2.8.




WP-syntax is another clean syntax highlighter which supports for embedded source code using GeShi that avails a wide range for languages. Another feature of this plugin is that it manages formatting from the browser while copying snippets and highlighting with or without line numbers.

Due to an early pre-filter and late post-filter it avoids the conflicts with the other 3rd party, and at last you can format and highlight the code according to your way. WP-Syntax is compatible with WP 2.0 up through 2.8




This plugin helps in improving the accessibility and the usability of your blog. For users navigation it allows them to add three links connecting them with each page, so that they can resize the type on any particular page. It is best choice for them who want to make the website more user focused and user friendly, so that the visitors can broad or narrow their type than standards. It’s known to work with WP version 2.0.2 up through 2.7.




This plugin helps let you create highlight code snippets by simple wordpress by Google syntax highlighter. It has the features of 100% client base no dependencies on server, wide browser support, very light weighted and also it can support multiple languages. It supports the following languages like C# (c#, c-sharp, C++, c, PHP, Python, XML/HTML, Java, Delphi, Ruby and even sql also. It has known to be compatible with version 2.0.0 through 2.2.2.




This plugin has the feature of changing the whole content of you posts into PNG images. If you would by thinking what is the need for changing the format of text into the image format, simple just to secure from net robots and spiders. By converting text into the image format, it makes it unreadable and hence unable to be catch by search engines.

Being an image you cannot do formatting like you do bold, underline or italics (as it is in an image format rather than text format) so you can change the image background, font and size as according to you.




This type of plugin avoids from WordPress by enabling its auto formatting function automatically to your posts and pages. It has the facility of batch formatting to all the articles that have already been posted. It also avoid the tags to be stripped out when you doing editing in HTML editor and also leaves a positive effect on the process of visual editor formats and its compatible with WP 2.5 up through 2.8.3.




This type of plugin is best for those who do web designing or web development blog. Code colorer is helpful in adding code snippets to your comments and posts. If you require code snippets in your posts (html, PHP, JavaScript, ruby etc.) then it’s best used plunging for you. You can even customize your post with CCS to make them look outstanding.

This plugin offers multiple features like syntax highlighting for one liner coding, or in RSS feeds, line numbering, pre made themes and intelligent scroll detection. To avail all this you simply need to integrate shortcode. It works with version 2.7 up through 2.8.4.




This plugin aids automatically censor certain words and replace them by images, your task is just to define that which word need to be replace by what and rest of the work is done by this plugin. It’s an amazing plugin as it does not block the content from the search engine it just does the censorship. Its tested with WP 2.0.2 up through 2.3.




Title style provides you an extra ordinary feature for formatting your post titles. By this feature wrap your lowercase words or words like ‘a’ an’, ‘the’, ‘of’ in span, em, or div elements. It is very helpful in putting style part on your headlines. It’s compatible with WP 2.0.0 up through 2.8.4.




Post typography allows automatically you to add a numerous typography improvements to the posts. With the help of this plugin you can publish or update a post automatically with your set of rules and instruction for your post. These setting include adding spaces wherever needed without breakage, clearing extra spaces, conversion of hyphens to en and em dashes as per your need, wrapping up and preserving the contents as per your wish. It’s been tested with WP 2.5 up through 2.8.3




This plugin helps in adding a WYSIWYG editor that can actually display you a page layout in the visual editor. It makes it convenient to display you how your images, line breaks, and other important elements will actually fit. This plugin is basically used for admins.




This plugin is basically an add on to the author intro at the beginning of each post, it will add author’s name and bio information and it has been tested with wp version 2.02 through 2.7.



What do you think?

Written by Leander crow


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