
“Write for US” Guest Blog – Complete Information for Guest Blogging

“Write for US” Guest Blogging: Search Engine Optimization is a notable phase among the online businesses. A loose string in the chain can surely brought a website in the list of Google Panda and Google Penguin’s victims. Webmasters keep drilling for the latest ethical techniques to make the search engine crawlers “SMILE“. After the latest Penguin update in May 2013; it is clear that Google hates Bulk Directory Submission, Low-quality directory submissions, Improper Link Network and Links within spun articles/content.

So all we can do is to relax on our desk, taste different flavors of coffee and keep waiting for next update rollout! No- No- No; we have a Plan B here. As per the Google’s Official Speaker Matt Cutts; Guest Blogging is a very effective way to earn worthy back links from renowned websites. Check out the below provided video and see what is Google view on guest blogging for links.

“If it is Gold – It Should Be Tough to Dig Out”

Guest Blogging is one of the trendiest technique in which you writes some interesting post for other websites and what you get in return is ‘Happy Backlink‘.

Yes there is a huge difference between getting backlinks and getting worthy or Happy Backlinks. The Penguin 2.0 update has concluded the long debate of ‘Getting hundreds of Backlinks from Low PR websites vs. Getting a few Backlinks from High PR websites‘.

But if you think that it is an easy task to go and speak your heart out on renowned websites like Smashing Magazine, SEOMOZ, NYTimes and Search Engine Journal; then THINK AGAIN PAL!

Nothing is as much easy as it seems so. After spending years while understanding the algorithm of Google Updates; I concluded that “To get the best result; Update your SEO strategy before a Google Update“.

There are certain points which you must keep in view while guest blogging

How to Do Guest Blogging: Complete Guide

Step 1: Identify the Keywords and Landing Pages

The foremost tread in the course of Guest blogging is to find out the target keywords and the landing pages for your website. You can check out the Keywords of your website by Keyword Research SEO Tools. You are also recommended to study the Google Analytics report of your website to find out the searched keywords and trafficked Keywords.

guest blogging infographic

Step 2: Google the Query

Now when you know that for what you have to fight for; Search for the arena. The second step in the process is to find out the guest blogging websites. Now that’s a tough task for many of the bloggers but now any more. I will provide you the secret recipe to search the guest blogging website of your niche.

To get the list of “write for us” guest blogging website; simple Google the below provided search queries and you will find a plethora of homes for your blog.

List of Keyword suggestion for searching Guest Blogging Website on Google

S. No. Keyword Suggestion for Guest Blogging
1 “add guest post”
2 “become a guest blogger”
3 “become a contributor”
4 “become a guest writer”
5 “bloggers wanted”
6 “become an author”
7 “blogs that accept guest posts”
8 “blogs accepting guest posts”
9 “blogs that accept guest bloggers”
10 “contribute”
11 “contribute to our site”
12 “group writing project”
13 “guest bloggers wanted”
14 “guest posts roundup”
15 “guest contributor”
16 “guest blogging spot”
17 “guest post”
18 “guest post by”
19 “guest post guidelines”
20 “my guest posts”
21 “now accepting guest posts”
22 “places i guest posted”
23 “submit a guest article”
24 submit a guest post
25 submit guest post
26 “submission guidelines”
27 “suggest a guest post”
28 “this guest post is from”
29 “this is a guest post by”
30 “this guest post was written”
31 “the following guest post”
32 “this is a guest article”
33 “write for us” guest blogging
34 “want to write for”
35 inurl:guest-post-guidelines
36 inurl:write-for-us
37 inurl:guest-posts
38 keyword “guest post by”
39 keyword “accepting guest posts”
40 keyword “guest post”
41 keyword “guest blogging”
42 keyword “guest post guidelines”
43 keyword “submit an article”
44 keyword “write for us”
45 keyword + submit guest post
46 keyword “submit a guest post”
47 keyword + contribute
48 keyword “submit post”
49 keyword + guest blogging
50 keyword “guest posting”
51 keyword + submit your post
52 keyword + submit post
53 keyword + write for us
54 keyword + submit an article

Make a list of the available option and search for the best websites that can provide you high quality inbound links. To know how to choose the websites for guest blogging; Go through the below provided Guest Blogging infographics.

guest blogging infographic

In the below section I am listing some of the most renowned guest blogging websites where you can find both guest bloggers as well as blogging websites to post your blog.

Guest Blogging Websites for Bloggers and Content Seekers

Post Joint

Post Joint

Post Joint is the most recommended website for guest bloggers. Here you can get free blogs as well as paid blogs and can also offer your blog to a wide array of publishers.

Post Runner

Post Runner

Post Runner is simply one of the best platforms for guest bloggers and Content Seekers. Here you can find enormous opportunities at a single click. At this website publishers connect through a simple WP plugin and can promote the brand to a large audience.

Guest Blog it

Guest Blogit

Guest Blog it is a quite popular name among the webmasters and bloggers. Beside with the facility to expose your content or to get the content for your website; you can participate in different online blogging contests and win cash prizes.

Blog Dash

Blog Dash

If you are expecting to find 101 868 bloggers in 15 categories or thousands of website owners for your blog posting then Blog Dash is the only name for you.

My Blog Guest


With a long list of renowned clients like Search Engine Land, SEO MOZ, Blogging Pro and many more; My Blog guest is surely a recommendable name in the list of guest blogging platforms.



GroupHigh is online software to find and manage the guest bloggers. With the aid of this application; you can sort out the guest bloggers as per their geographical location, area of interest, writing experience and many more. Moreover it also provides you the advanced tool to see the performance of the individual bloggers.

Blogger LinkUp

Blogger Link Up

With a tag line of ‘Get Content for Your Blog, Get Links to Your Site‘; Blogger LinkUp is a free online website to get the content as well to attract the website owners with your writing style.


Blog Synergy

BlogSynergy introduce themselves as a social networking hub for the blogger community. It is one of the kind website which provides 100% revenue of the ads to the authors on their blog pages. You can find both bloggers as well as content seekers here.

Guest Blog Genius

Guest Blog Genious

It is not just a platform for guest bloggers and website owners. Guest Blog genius also offers a class of SEO and Content writing services. You may need to spend a few bucks here but it is quite a worthy deal.



Guestr is a popular hub for website owners and guest posters. On one hand where website owners can attract contents in exchange of backlinks on the other hand guest posters can find a large array of opportunity. Guestr is absolutely free service for now.

Step 3: Identify Link Building Opportunities


After finding the websites for posting your blog; have a deep look at the topics of content they publish. Try to find a content idea related to their theme. It is not a NECESSARY (but recommended) that you write on exactly the same topic as of your targeted keyword. You are always recommended to go through the Guest Author Guideline of the website prior to approaching them with your content idea.

List of Guest Blogging Websites Which Accepts Guest Post

S. No. URL PR Alexa Rank Contact Details
1 6 30361 Contact
2 5 94446 Contact
3 5 13709 Contact
4 5 88124 Contact
5 5 22605 Contact
6 4 69616 Contact
7 4 510133 Contact
8 3 207,868 Contact
9 4 79268 Contact
10 4 111402 Contact
11 4 56469 Contact
12 3 677557 Contact
13 3 163952 Contact
14 3 244610 Contact
15 2 139,191 Contact
16 2 234214 Contact
17 4 43,865 Contact
18 3 126,520 Contact
19 3 386,312 Contact
20 3 39,822 Contact
21 4 53,045 Contact

Step 4: Contact Them


Now when you have chosen what to write and for whom to write; approach the respective websites with your proposal message. Find the contact details (email) and send them a proposal mail. Make a knot that the proposal mail is the signature impression of your writing style and if you fail to impress! RIP.

By concluding the post here; I am providing a plethora of best and active resources and communities of guest bloggers on  Linkedin.

Guest Bloggers Groups on LinkedIn

S. No. LinkedIn Group

What do you think?

Written by Tina Smith


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