
Understanding SEO – A Necessary Skill for Virtual Life

SEO is a skill everyone should learn, especially if their work is connected to the virtual life. There are many things that need to be done if one aims to increase the traffic and sales. Let us introduce you to what you need to do to make sure that your website is search engine optimized.


Page Title

The first thing you need to think about is the page title. When it comes to giving your pages a title, it is extremely important to add keywords to them. A well-constructed title contains the main keyword of the page, is limited to less than 65 characters and has a limited use of stop words, alphanumeric characters, commas and hyphens.

Your page title is the first thing visitors will see when they open the website. Make sure that it is SEO optimized and captures the idea of your content, but also try to make it as inviting as possible.


After you are done working on the page titles, take a look at the header tags on the website. The most important keyword of your website should be labeled as the H1 tag. By doing this, you are optimizing your website in a way that a customer will find it more easily when they search for that particular keyword.



When the time comes for content to be added, you need to pay your undivided attention to this part. The content is the part of the website that gives out the information, so you must make sure that it is fully optimized. And even though people often think visitors do not read online, they would read if you know what to write, how to write it and how long it should be.

Sure, adding keywords is important for ensuring that your website will be found, but your main focus here is to make the visitors happy. Therefore, you need to make sure that the content you write does include keywords, but only in places where this makes sense. After all, you need excellent content for your visitors to enjoy what you have to say.

No person is great in everything, so you may not have the talent to write the best content for your website. If not, you can hire a professional to do this. Take a look at Top Aussie Writers and find the perfect service to help you with the content. If you manage to optimize the website in terms of SEO, but fail to provide visitors with good content, it is very likely that it will all have been for nothing.

When adding content to your website, you must take note of the word count. Additionally, make sure that you use larger fonts that will draw the attention to your key headline points. And of course, never add plagiarized or duplicate content on your website. If a person can find the content on the other websites, why would they choose you?

A tool like Siteliner should help you detect duplicate content.

Meta Tags

After you have handled your content, you should move to the meta description and meta keywords. These two are not what your visitors see when they open the page, but is actually the code behind the scene.
A keywords meta tags include up to 10 keywords that you included in the content too. The meta description is the place where you explained what is contained on the page, with the purpose of persuading the users to pick your site instead of others that show in their search engines.

The meta description should be of length that does not exceed 160 characters. You should definitely add keywords to it, but do not over stuff it with them.



Many people do not originally search for content or keywords, but for images. If your images are visible and SEO optimized, it is more likely that a customer will visit your page.

In order to optimize the images on the website, make sure to pay attention to the title, caption, description and alternate text. Additionally, you want to use images that are free for use, or pay for those that you do not have the permission to use. Every image on your website should be of high resolution.

Some sites where you can find free images of high resolution are Pexels and Unsplash.

Page Navigation

Proper navigation is a crucial part of making a good website. People should be able to navigate from one page to another, so make sure that each page of the website contains links to all other pages. This will also increase the chances of the engine spiders in finding the pages of your website, which will in term increase its page ranking.


Link exchanges are often misunderstood by website owners. The idea here is not to ask many suppliers to link to your website, but to find other trusted websites with related content.

Even though link exchanges do not violate the Google’s TOS, you need to make sure that every link you have on your website is related to what you have to offer. When building your website links, ask or provide a reason for the website to link to yours.

Search engine optimization is not a luxury of a website, but a necessity. And this is not only free, but it is also the best way of making your website succeed by increasing traffic and sales. Placing your website higher in the search engine is the main idea if you want to attract more visitors and without learning SEO skills, this is impossible. Therefore, everyone who wants their website to be a success must be introduced to the most necessary skill for the virtual life – SEO.

What do you think?

Written by Admin

Nola J Arney is working as an application and web developer at HTMLPanda. Her core technical skill in web designing, Sencha touch, PhoneGap, and other platforms has contributed a lot of benefits to the business. She has an interest in writing and hence, she has written numerous blogs & articles that specifically shed a light on website the designing & development technology. All her write-ups have earned a gratitude from the specialists worldwide.


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