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Free Online SEO Tools | Top 45 Free Online SEO Tools

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is unquestionable the hottest trend in the web world. At its early stages SEO was a very tough and confusing job as webmasters had to deal with lots of routinely hassles manually. Ranging from pasting links to hundreds of websites, to searching popular keywords among the heaps of options; SEO was used to be the most hard-hitting job.

With the advancement of technology and the popularity of the search engine optimization; a bunch of tools were introduced for different genres of working algorithms. These online SEO audit tools were designed to make it easy for the search engine optimizer to get the job done. At present time internet is flooded with a lot of SEO tools but the efficiency of these tools can’t be guaranteed.

To help you all; I am providing the list of best 45 free online SEO tools. These tools are categorized under different sections including:

  • Keyword Research SEO tools
  • Onsite Analysis SEO tools
  • Competitor Tracking SEO tools
  • Social Networking SEO tools
  • Link Analyzer SEO tools

I had selected these online SEO tools after researching hard about the user’s reviews and popularity. For most of these SEO tools you will not have to pay even a single penny whereas a few of these tools come with a limited trial version. You surely would have heard about some of the included SEO software and from the rest you can choose your best.

Keyword Research Tools

Keywords are the important part in any kind of content. Beside with providing a high rank in the search results; keywords make it easy for the Google as well as the readers to find the required content. So to help both the experienced and newbie; below is the list of best keyword research tools.


Google Adwords Keyword Research Tool

Google Adwords Keyword is one of the most popular Keyword Research tool present online. This free SEO tool enables the user to search and compare the keyword traffic. You can refine your search through the advanced search options. Icing the cake you can even provide the link to a web page to figure out the most popular keywords on it.


Google Trends

If you are searching for a fresh topic for your blog or SEO campaign then Google Trend could be the perfect tool for you. This online SEO tool presents you the list of the most popular and searched topics on the web. This could be a very effective tool to follow the current and future trends of the internet world.

buzzfeed keyword research SEO tools


BuzzFeed is yet another very popular name in the category of online keyword research tools. You can find the popular news and topics based on different genres including Lifestyle, Sports, politics, Technology, Animals and many more. Icing the cake; you can even join the popular forums for discussion.

Google-corelate keyword research SEO tools

Google Correlate

Google Correlate is our last dish from the tray of Google. This could be a smart way to understand the surprising behavior of SEO data figures of a web page.

alexa keyword research seo tool


Alexa Ranking is one of the prime factor to check the reputation and standing of a webpage. Just paste the URL of the website and you can easily explore the basic data analysis. Alexa provides the global rank, country rank, query keywords, traffic and lots of more information about the website or web page.

keyword discovery keyword research seo tool

Keyword Discovery

Keyword Discovery is one of the most used online keyword research tools. This helps the user to optimize the meta tags and boost the pay per click algorithm of a web page. The subscription cost of this tool ranges from 70 $/month to 200$/month. It also comes with a free trial version to help the users to make a confident decision.

keyword queations keyword research seo tool

Keyword Questions

Searching the topic for an article or blog is a confusing hassle, right? Keyword Question is the name of the solution. This SEO program helps you in selecting the most appropriate topic according to the genre of your business or website.

search-status keyword research seo tool

SearchStatus Plugin

Search status plugin is one of the favorite and Free online SEO tool among the webmasters. It offers the astounding feature of keyword density measurement to the user that tag it a unique popularity. By the aid of this feature you can easily track the specific keyword usage rate of your competitor.

Kgen keyword research seo tool


Wouldn’t it be so much useful if we could know which keywords will be considered as the ‘most important’ by the search engine on a page? This is actually possible now with this amazing free online SEO tool. But KGen is only compatible with Fire fox internet browsers.

Soovle keyword research seo tool


Experience the exploration power of 7 search engines at a single place for your query. Soovle is one of my favorite choices; it shows the result of a query by seven different search engines that includes Google, Wikipedia, You Tube, Bing, Yahoo Answer and and all that.

Onsite Analysis SEO Tools

Onsite Analysis tools are the most important tools for the webmasters. Beside with providing the performance report on the website; these online on-site Analysis tools provide you the facility to fix the errors and loop holes. Most of the webmasters and bloggers are aware about just a few names of the these analysis tools. So as to offer them more options; I am providing a list of best free onsite analysis tools.

Google-Analyst Onsite Analysis SEO Tools

Google Analytics

Google Analytic is a very popular name in the SEO world; this free Onsite Analysis tool is itself a brand at the present time. The sound popularity of this SEO tool is primarily based on the accurate website optimization results and an array of impressive features like advanced event and goal tracking.

SEO-quake Onsite Analysis SEO Tools


SEO Quake is another very useful free online SEO tool which is compatible with the Firefox, Opera and Chrome internet browsers. This impressive tool shows you the analytic report of different parameters such as Page Rank, Alexa, Google index, Keyword Density and many more.

SEO-Book Onsite Analysis SEO Tools

SEOBook browser extensions

SEOBook is a hub of different amazing online SEO tools like Rank Checker, Website Health check, advanced Duplicate content checker and many more toolbar extensions and Firefox extensions. All these tools could be used without paying even a single penny. So if you are concerned about exploring the strong and weak points of your competitors; this product could be a godsend for you.

Site-Trail Onsite Analysis SEO Tools

SiteTrail for Chrome

SiteTrail is a very useful on-site analysis extension that allows you to find out the different information about a website. With the aid of this online SEO tool you can see the site value, site rank, SEO statistic, server location, site traffic and many more other related informations.


SEO for Chrome

SEO for Chrome is one of the best and free online SEO tool which presents both basic and miscellaneous information about a web page. These information includes statistic about backlinks, Social media stats, indexed pages, traffic stats, PPC & organic search stats, Caches, HTTP status, DNS, IP address, Whois, xml detection and many more.


SEOTools for Excel

It is really a hassle for any webmaster to work on the Excel sheets but with the aid of this online SEO tool for Excel it could be much more effective and easy. This free SEO Excel add in offers the user to conduct on=page analysis  and debugging, monitor and analyze backlinks, string templating, avoid duplicate content and a lot more.


SEOsitecheckup is the best tool to get a quick analysis of your website or webpage. This free online SEO tool provides a detailed report on different issues of Page stats, Site data, Meta tags, Pages notes, objects and site security. Icing the cake this tool also provides you the list of recommendations for your website.


Want to compare your website statistics with your competitors? Hub spot marketing Grader is the name of the free on-site web analysis tool that allow the user to compare a website with two other websites. The factors in this comparison test include Traffic, Lead and Analytics on a website.

Link Analyser SEO Tools

Link analyser SEO tools are another important part of a webmaster’s kit. They help to post the links of pages on other websites and web blog.

Majestic-SEO Link Analyser

Majestic SEO

Majestic is a very popular name in the field of Link Analyzing. This tool allows you to view and analyze the links of your websites or web pages which are directed to other websites. Although this tool comes with a free version of the service but you need to pay a subscription fee if you want to use the complete access.

Open-Site-Explorer SEO Link Analyser

Open Site Explorer

Open Site Explorer is almost similar to the Majestic SEO but it generates the result from different data algorithms. So if you want to get a more precise result you can use and compare the result from both of these tools. This online SEO tool comes with both the free version as well as the paid version.

Afflorama SEO Link Analyser

Affiliorama SEO Toolbar

Affilorama is a useful SEO toolbar that allows you to have a quick map of the useful information about a webpage. It allows you to examine the page rank of the domain by fetching the accurate data figures from Google PageRank, Alexa Traffic Rank and Complete Traffic rank. Icing the cake this Free online SEO toolbar offers you the amazing feature of Link Scanner.

Google-Alert SEO Link Analyser

Google Alerts

Google Alerts is a very popular online SEO tool that provides you the regular email alert about the latest update from your designated keyword. This best tool can be a effective helping hand to monitor the moments of your competitors and to be the first to aware about the latest updates from the big names. You can manage the update timing ranging from once a week to every single hour. This tool from Google is absolutely free and recommended by almost every webmaster.



Social media networks are popular and effective way to drag traffic to your posts and pages. Onlywire is a Social networking SEO program that automatically submits your posts and contents on the popular social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, RSS feeds and many more and hence saves you from the hassle of uploading and sharing.


Seesmic Ping

Seesmic is yet another Social Networking online SEO tool that allows you to share your posts on social networks even through your iPhone, iPad and Android device. Seesmic is now acquired by the HootSuite and hence innovative updates are expected from this toolbar.

Competitor Tracking SEO Tools

Every keyword in the SEO are occupied with a lot of competitors. Ever webmaster keep exploring the search engines to get the list of the popular keywords and the paying topics of the competitors. If you too are keen about following and exploring the secrets of your challengers; then I am providing you the list of the Competitor Tracking SEO tools. With the help of these tools you can easily navigate the detailed Backend-Analytics of the websites and domains.


SEMRush is the key to get a back door entry to your competitor’s secrets. It provide you the complete overview of a web domain including top keywords, Ad values, traffic source, Organic Research volume, Backlink report and many more. This online SEO Tool can be used for free but for the premium version you will have to pay the registration fee.


Traffic Travis

Traffic Travis is Free SEO tool that facilitates the user with a bag of features including page analytic, Keyword research, PPC, online trend tracking tools and many more. Traffic Travis is one of the best SEO tool if you are a beginner in this field.


Market Samurai

Google is flooded with a lot of Ranking SEO tools but when we purify these results for the one time free option; the results shrinks to the finger countable digits. Market Samurai is one of the tools that offers a lot of impressive features like keyword research tools, link building tool and online trend tracking online SEO tools. Icing the cake; this tool is one-time free so you don’t have to worry about the frustrating registration process every month.


Raven Tools

Raven is a hub for different genres of online SEO tool that covers the topics like SEO Ranking tools, Link Building Tools, Social Networking SEO tools; Online Trend Tracking tools and many more. SERP Tracker is an impressive rank comparing SEO software that allows you to search keywords, compare your blog posts and keyword’s ranking with the competitors. This SEO tool fetches the data from the Authority Labs, Google Adword and Google Analytics.


SEOMoz Pro

SEOMoz is an impressive free SEO tool that automatically crawl your website to check for any bug or SEO error. Along with detecting errors; this Ranking SEO provides you the list of solutions for those errors. So even if you are away from your office; you don’t need to worry about the search engine optimization of your website.


SEO SERP Workbench for Chrome

No budget for the ranking SEO tools? Don’t worry; SEO SERP is a free plugin that can offer you impressive features. It allows you to compare the ranking for a keyword with your multiple competitors. Although the result produced by this plugin is not that much detailed as compared to the paid tools but it is precise; if you are a newbie of SEO.



PPC or Pay Per Click is a very important term in the SEO world. It is really a hassle to keep track of the PPC analytics of a website but no more! To help you out in every corner of PPC; I am providing the list of the online PPC SEO tools. With these amazing tools you can easily keep track of yours as well as your competitor’s  pay per click analytics.



SpyFu is a PPC online SEO tool that literally means Spy for you. Going with its literature meaning; this tool actually spies the ad variation of your competitors. Along with tracking the Ad variation of your challengers; this PPC tool tells you about the every organic rank and keyword they had carried on the Adwords in the last six years. This tools offer a free version but for the advanced features you will have to pay a monthly subscription of 79$.


Google Adwords Editor

Going deep in the PPC advertisement is really a tough task. At a magnify level it becomes a hassle to create the advertisement campaigns and keyword group manually. To save the users from this confusing bother; Google introduced the free PPC tool. Google Adword editor is a free online SEO tool that allows you to edit the campaigns from your desktop. This tool automatically synchronizes the changes to your online Adword account.


Microsoft Adcenter Editor

This free PPC online SEO tool is a must if you are advertising with both AdCenter as well as Adwords. Microsoft AdCenter editor works similar to the Google AdWord editor. It also allows you to edit the campaigns directly from the desktop; icing the cake it also offers you the feature of automated alert that notify you whenever the graph of the campaign drops below the assigned threshold value.


Social Networking SEO Tools

Social networking websites are one of the latest and much effective ways to be popularized and drag the traffic to our website. There are a millions of success stories that accounts for their growth from the social networking websites like Facebook, Orkut, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+ and many more. The increasing no. of Social networking websites had offered a lot of opportunities to the traders but it also had created a tough job to be updated on every social networking account. To help you deal swiftly and comfortably with your Social networking accounts; I am providing the list of best Social networking SEO tools.



SocialOomph is a popular name among the best Social Networking SEO tools. This amazing online SEO tool is loaded with a lot of impressive features like Schedule Tweets, Track keywords, Automatic Follow, Auto-DM, Schedule Page wall updates, Tweet via email and lot more. This SEO tool can be used as a free version for limited access and can be upgraded with a subscription fee for more unlimited features.



Do you know that there is some particular timing when your tweets and posts are more likely to get noticed and followed? Tweriod is a social networking online SEO tool that keeps track of the most active hours of your followers on Tweeter and schedule your posts at that time for maximum reach.



With over two million sign ups everyday; Twiends is a free online SEO tool that pushes your no. of followers to new stage. This tool is a magic trick for all who wants to be popular on Tweeter in a very short interval of time.



Triberr is yet another Social network increasing website that effectively expands the horizon of your post’s reach ability. On this website; you will have to join a team of your interest and these teams automatically promotes the each other’s content to their wall and followers. This website covers all the three mega social networking websites i.e Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Project Management/Coordination

Beside with the online and offline SEO tactics; it is too very important to have an easy communication channel with both co-workers and clients. It couldn’t be a wise idea to use the facebook account as a way to share the files and discuss the topics in the office or with the client. To provide much better option; the web monks introduced the concept of project coordinating SEO too. These tool provide you the facility to make a professional discussion with the team members; sharing the files and lot more.


Google Documents

Google Document is free document editing and file storage software that allows you share the documents, files and slideshows with your team. Icing the cake; this free project management online SEO tool allows you to assign the visibility of a document to particular member of your team only. This tool is surely one of the best file sharing and editing tool if you are having a short hand in budget for this section.



Dropbox is yet another popular name in the section of file sharing software and solutions. After signing up into this online SEO tool, you can easily synchronize your files even from your desktop screens. This is absolutely free of cost and provides sound security to your files and documents.



Expensive but Amazing; BaseCamp is the ‘Bugatti Veyron’ among the project management SEO tools. This tool allows you to share and talk with the members more swiftly. You can make the classes according to the different working platforms of the team members. Beside with providing impressive file sharing facilities; this online SEO tool allows you to coordinate the schedule of every team member at a single place.



Evernote is a SEO tool that provides you the ease of keeping the data and event charts. This tool offers you synchronize your notes, events, files, pictures and lots more at a single place. You can even share your this schedule chart with your friends and colleagues to keep a track of your project development.



Whether it is an IT geek or a college going student; Skype is a common name for everyone. It is a must to have software if you are dealing with clients and co workers outside your home country. This amazing free project coordination software allows you to share the files, make a video or audio phone call, send text messages, make an online conference and lot more.



Simply Sign up and start working on the project with your colleagues across different countries. This is a free file sharing online tool that incorporates you with every basic features. Although the provided features of this project management online SEO tool are way weaker than the paid tools but it is still a popular and effective alternate for the newbie.

Notable App


Feedbacks are always the very crucial factor in any project development but the fact is that ‘everyone hates to write lengthy notes and lines’. To make the process of feedback hassle free and fast; you can the Notable app. This tool allows you to easily share the feedback with the targeted users and help you to organize different projects and clients at a common place.



Last but not the least, recommended by the monster business names like Instogram, Tumblr, Wired and many more; HipChat is an amazing professional communication SEO tools. This project coordinate SEO tool allows you to chat and share files with your members at a single click. This tool comes with a free 30 day trial version.

I hope that my this post will help you out to make your SEO working experience more easy and fast. Did I skip any important SEO tool that must be a part of the list? You are free to suggest any other SEO program and SEO software tool that you would like to recommend to other webmaster. I will love to hear you reviews and comments about my work.

Free Online SEO Tools | Top 45 Free Online SEO Tools 2013

What do you think?

Written by Admin

Nola J Arney is working as an application and web developer at HTMLPanda. Her core technical skill in web designing, Sencha touch, PhoneGap, and other platforms has contributed a lot of benefits to the business. She has an interest in writing and hence, she has written numerous blogs & articles that specifically shed a light on website the designing & development technology. All her write-ups have earned a gratitude from the specialists worldwide.


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