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Top 10 Android Videos for Android Developers

Though, various session were happened particularly on Android at Google I/O, so if you wished to attend them but couldn’t, doesn’t matter. Now, you will be pleased to know that here I have compiled ten full length Android sessions below just for you.

So, just go ahead to explore and enjoy viewing pleasure of these Android developers session from Google I/O. Now, lets take a look over these videos one by one and know the importance of hiring the most talented Android developers:

In this video, Google will rolled out the most innovative things of android developers tools about which you always wish to learn about.

This is a very worthy video which introduces new capabilities and APIs in Android Open Accessory Development Kit 2.0. Also, for better comprehending it also provide demos.

This video says about new APIS of low-level media in Android.

This video is all about upgrading the navigation of Android applications. However, you are supposed to go through this description.An application is supposed to be unworthy when people couldn’t designate their way around it. In versions of 3.0 and 4.0, The Android introduced great navigation support modification. In this video, you will be acquainted about how to write applications which delivers smooth, hassle-free and effortless navigation in multiple Android versions.

This video is all about the “sensitive side of Android”. In description, it says that Android is accompanied by a sensitive side too. In this session it has put emphasis over Android sensors such as accelerometer, light, gyroscope and miscellaneous. Also, it has incorporated the best practices towards handling the sensor data which focus specially on balancing battery life and usability.

This session is highly obvious for expert Android developers. This video says about coding tips & tricks, implementation pattern, bandwidth saving techniques, tips for minimizing battery drain as well as exposure to some little known API features.

This is an elegant video which describe and make you literate about how to make smooth performance in Android user interfaces.

This is very useful and significant session from Google I/O which describes here about multi-versioning Android UIs.

It wouldn’t be saying wrong that this video is an elegant Guide of Android Design and compilation of application design tips.

Eventually, this video session from Google I/O rolled out which says about handling privacy and security in applications. However, this is referred as one primary and quite earnest among users.

However, I opined here that these video sessions will be quite obvious and useful for Android developers, experts and also for those who haven’t sound experience. With help of these useful videos released from Google I/O, Android developers can deal with privacy & security in application, design tips, altering versions of Android and much more.

What do you think?

Written by Tina Smith


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