
Must to Know Google+ tips and tricks

Ever since the bubble burst of social media in the last decade, Google Plus has been emerged as a better place to widen ones reach and popularize one’s brand’s identity. The advent of Google+ has enforced competitors to start up with a new horizon and develop new ways of thinking. In short and precise terms we can say that Google+ is a unique and powerful opportunity for you to widen your reach, professionally or personally, no matter you are techies or non-techies, beginner or professionals.

Today once again we have arrived in this post bringing with us the innovative tips and tricks relating to Google Plus which will let you to attain height of success start from making your profile pop to mastering your stream. Here we are going to share most useful Google+ Tips and Tricks with you to make a kick start in your stream. These tricks are categorized under several headings. Have a look over them:

Your Profile

The first and the most important thing which comes after joining any new community, is to create a confrontational profile that instigate viewers to follow you. There are several ways offered by Google+ to tailor your first impression and communicate your personal brand through your staggering profile. Follow the tricks mentioned below:

➡ It is advisable to keep your “Current” employer unchecked; just because doing this allows you to use the “Occupation” field to describe what you do and like. When others will hover over your name on their streams or notifications, they will see a “Google Card” containing your profile photo, name and the contents of this field.

➡ In case, if you want to set a quote or tagline, then click the space under your name instead. Keep your “Occupation” text concise and descriptive because it increases the chance someone will circle you and share the contents if found interesting.

➡ It is advised to keep the profile photo linked to a special album in Picasa, the photo management component of Google’s extensive application suite so that curious visitors can click your photo directly from your profile and cycle through the entire album. This will really present a unique opportunity for creating a short visual story about yourself and thereby grabbing the attention of the visitors.

➡ You are suggested to create a mini-portfolio to show off your work or use your “Scrapbook” to devise a clever header graphic. For this, you should enter “Edit Profile” mode and then click the header area to manage images directly. You can also do it using Picasa to upload them to your “Scrapbook”; you can control the order in which they appear just by clicking “Organize” from the album view in Picasa.

➡ The next important thing which you should perform is adding links to your services and contact pages, in addition to linking to your portfolio and social profiles. Since, Google+ is teeming with industry professionals and prospects, so adding these links will make them visible in search results.


➡ As Google plus offers circles, so, it is advisable that create a set of circles specific to your interests and which you find the most interesting. Doing this can make your following grow rapidly, making it difficult to manage your stream and keeping up with everything.

➡ Again create another set of circles for topics you wish to target to specific groups of people and use these circles to share content, whereas your first set is only for managing your stream. As you gain new followers, “subscribe” them to topic circles that match their interests; also time to time keep checking your “Incoming” stream in order to see what people are posting.

➡ While publishing content to specific circles will help target certain audiences, †consider posting most of your content publicly. Public content encourages new people to follow you, and lets the world know you are active. It will also show up on Google+ stream services you add your profile to, or plug-ins you install on your website, increasing your ranking and viability.

➡ It is often regarded as a good practice to create specialized circles for bookmarking or sharing content to services such as Evernote or RPC-enabled blogs. So it is suggested that add yourself to the circle, then click “Add a new person” to add your Evernote or RPC email address; also don’t forget to click the “notify” box to email the post.

Home Page

You must be aware of the term home page. The Home page is the place where you spend the most time on Google Plus. Also, it is here from where you can filter your stream by clicking specific circle links on the left, and use keyboard controls to move around quickly.

➡ The thing, small but of utmost importance, you should know that “J” will jump from one post to the next, while “K” will scroll you back up.

➡ If you wish to stop notifications on any post where you have added comments, then click the “Mute this Post” option in the post menu.

➡ If you want to get a quick permalink to a single post, then click the timestamp to do that.

➡ In order to generate a hotlink to a particular profile in your posts or comments, add a “+” to the beginning of a name; one of the advantage of this is that it will also notify the person that they were mentioned.

➡ It is suggested to add a poll to a published post by instructing your readers to +1 to vote, and after then quickly add comments containing the choices. Further on, select “Disable Comments” from your post menu to encourage voting.

Google+ Photos vs. Picasa

Google Plus offers a faster photo sharing which is still undergoing major changes and fine-tuning. If you are familiar with the Picasa working, you will face no problem in handling this.

➡ It is recommended to drag and drop content from your desktop or the web into the post box for faster sharing.

➡ For adding images directly to a post click the “Create an Album” option. Otherwise, by default, images will be added to a general album.

➡ If you are feeling that your albums are not appearing good on your Photo page, then click the album and select “Actions > Album Properties”, change the album date to manipulate the order in which it appears.

➡ In case if you want to rename an album, you can do so just by clicking the album title at the top of the page to edit it. You may also change permissions by clicking the “Visible to” link.

RSS Feeds

➡ You may grab your RSS feed URL by appending your Google+ profile ID to the end of this URL:

Your Vanity URL

As we know well that the default profile URL is long and repulsive unless and until any URL shortener short it. You should note that and offer Google+ specific vanity URL services and that may be a better choice for you. If we talk of “Plusya”, it provides the added benefit of analytics to give you a detailed view of how your link is used.

➡ Once you have got the hang of Google Plus by gaining a decent vanity URL, you should start promoting your profile.

What do you think?

Written by Jennifer Adam


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