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List of The Best Web Builders! Pick The Best One

At the earliest era of websites, it cost a fortune to have one built talk less of managing it, and even then websites are not as dynamic as they are now. To build your own website yourself, you must have learned the art of web building, which means learning programming languages required, a little graphic design skill and self-creativity. Better still; hire a professional web designer to design it for you. Then there is another option for people who do not have any of the skill required or don’t want to spend much and want to get a satisfied website plus it can also be done by oneself while using your direct imaginations to design what you feel. Web builders are great tools to design websites quickly with less stress. Websites built with web builders have the same integrity, security, efficiency, and most of the time; you might not be able to differentiate between them and a built-from-scratch website.

There are hundreds of web builders on the web, but you do not need to test them all, because most of them are not as efficient as they said they are, some almost cost a fortune and some are so complicated that you will even need a very special training to use them. In this article, popular web builders will be discussed and you will decide which one is the best for you:


WordPress was started as a blogging platform, gradually it turns into a dynamic web building tool, today WordPress is one the most popular if not the most popular web builder. WordPress is so popular for its amazing features which are highlighted below:

  • Largest Support: because WordPress is widely used, it is easy to find the solution to errors, even from fellow WordPress users, millions of WordPress developers upgrading the codes periodically and providing support as needed.
  • Very Dynamic: once you have a sound knowledge of PHP, the sky is your limit to customizing a WordPress script, with core functions already pre-programmed, you just have to add your extra codes to get whatever you want, and even with zero knowledge of PHP and the help of plugins, you can design an amazing website.
  • More themes and plugins: lots and lots of themes and plugins suitable for various applications, there are hundred thousands of themes that match your website concept on WordPress server and also huge collections of plugins to deliver more functions to your website.
  • Full ownership: WordPress is an open-source platform, this means you can download the WordPress script and use it as you like, you can host it on any hosting server that supports it, use it for any type of website even adults, religious or political websites, you can even completely remove WordPress trademarks, once you download it, it is all yours. While using WordPress, what may likely require payment are premium themes and plugins, hosting and domains and other resources you might need.
  • Automatic free backup: there is a plugin called Backup-to-Dropbox and it is exclusive to WordPress, this plugin can automatically backup your website at pre-selected intervals. With this feature, you need not worry about losing any data if anything should happen to your website.
  • E-Commerce feature: with Woocommerce and its fleet of plugins, you have everything to start an e-commerce website on WordPress.


IPhone was just successfully manufactured in 2006 and it doesn’t support flash-based website, as at then, only a few brands of phone can even access the internet. Because iPhone is selling so fast and its users must access the internet is one of the main reasons they were buying it. Wix became one of the web builders to make use of HTML to build websites. Today, Wix is hosting millions of websites on its website and has become one of the most popular web builders, features of Wix are discussed below:

  • Video background: probably the most amazing feature of Wix, what could be more amazing than having a cool video playing in the background of your web pages, it makes your website look more professional and the video may even present information that requires lengthy text to present.
  • Mobile ready: while designing the desktop version of your website on Wix, you don’t have to worry about the mobile versions; Wix websites are highly responsive on different devices and screen resolutions.
    Self-hosting: sometimes, the hosting process is stressful and most times, people do not get it right resulting in errors, Wix provides a self-hosting service and free domain extension.
  • Royalty-free images: all the image resources you need in your web project is right there on Wix, no payment required, just use them as you please.


Weebly was invented by students around the year 2006, management at Pennsylvania State University told students to create a portfolio of their individual work, three students thought about how they could help their fellow student with the said task and came up with the platform called Weebly. Weebly is an online portfolio platform that is highly customizable, Weebly is like a rented space, you pay for space periodically and brings in your contents, unlike WordPress, the web space is not yours, once you stop paying the rent you are out. Nevertheless, Weebly is a great tool to get an online portfolio built quickly. Below are features of Weebly:

  • Cloud hosting: the advantage of cloud hosting is multiple computers handling the processes of your website, this result in fast loading web pages and efficient transactions between frontend and backend.
  • Website Security: hosting plans provided by Weebly includes protection against spammers and hackers, integrated SSL certificates, and secure sockets.
  • Analytics: with Weebly built-in analytics feature, you know exactly what goes on with your website in terms of views, clicks, impressions etc.

The above-mentioned features are just the tip of the iceberg; you can visit the websites to explore individual features of each web builder. You can also do comparison of different platforms like site123,,, BigCommerce, Shopify, Volusion and other amazing web builders.


What do you think?

Written by Webgranth


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