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Google Admonish “Unnatural” and “Artificial” Links

Google clarifies this message as it’s not any fresh restraint on link network but is a transformation from bad links which are being ‘silently distrusted’ and is more in articulation about such kind of penalty. So, now let me show you the message what Google used to send who still doesn’t receive such type of message.

Google Warning Message

When you will scan Google Webmaster Help forum, it is very common to see that many people have reported about this message from Google concerning link violation. Here is the message, how one reads:

Google warning message1

Links No Longer “Silently Distrusted”

However, you will be amazed to know that since last month Google used to take action against many blog/site link networks. In context of firing out of such messages, Google added that it opt to report penalties regarding bad linking issues. Therefore, to comprehend this go through this statement emailed by a Google spokesperson.

Google warning message

Google also said that this year, number of messages has been significantly increased, they sent via Webmaster Tools in 2012.

What do you think?

Written by Webgranth


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