
Black Hat SEO vs White Hat SEO : Battle Of SEO Super Powers

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the song which is forcing every website developer to dance to its beat. In the theoretical words; the technical monks defines the search engine optimization as the techniques to make a web page rank higher in the search engine results & to generate quality traffic for the website. At the present moment SEO is the word that can lighten up the eyes of every IT freak.

SEO was “What?” just a few years ago but the increasing popularity of this technique has transformed this into a must to follow trends. So it becomes really important to tell you the brief story about the origin of SEO.

“It was the mid of 90’s (when the popular cosmonaut Valveri Polyakov was sipping his favorite coffee after coming back to Earth by spending 438 days in space, it was the time when Window 95 was released, it was the time when a genius (me) failed in all class tests and was punished damn hard) when the Webmaster and content providers start optimizing the websites for search engines. At its starting age most of the website developers declared this as ‘SUPER FLOP’ but when they realized the importance of being above in the search results they just put a big smile on the face and declared ‘We were just joking; we always know that SEO is going to rock’. And after that statement; this baby (SEO) keeps growing with handsome attributes and popularity”.

To follow the pace of SEO; a lot of techniques like Article submission, Blog posting, Forum posting, etc. were developed under the principality of the Hero; the ‘WHITE HAT SEO‘ technique. White Hat SEO techniques are the techniques that boost the ranking of a website in search results without flouting the rules and regulations as per suggested by the search engines.

“Every coin has two faces ; every rose has thorns

          Every movie has a villain and SEO too has some cons”

Everything was going fare and nice until a few negative back-benchers decided to kick the rules and regulations of the search engines. They were keen to get the utmost benefit in minimum time by adopting the false techniques. Those dark radicals were named as “BLACK HAT SEO techniques”. Black hat SEO are the techniques that do not follow the guidelines of Search engines.

Both Black Hat and White Hat SEO are the hottest topics on search. Every newbie who has dreamed about being the cherry on the SEO cake; surely explore these topics. So to help those sailors; I am going to discuss maximum aspect of Black Hat SEO and White hat SEO.

Black comes prior to White in the dictionary so lets put a spotlight on the Black Hat SEO first.

Black Hat SEO

These black hat killers of search engine optimization adopt a lot of fraud techniques to increase the traffic on the website. These tacts increase the traffic of visitors for a short interval of time but it can lead to penalizing of the website by the search engines. The biggest example of this came into limelight when in February 2006 Google banned the websites of BMW Germany and Ricoh Germany for use of faulty practices. Later both companies apologized and fixed the errors and were restored to Google’s search list. To give you a brief description of the Black Hat SEO techniques; below I am representing you some common Black Hat SEO techniques.

WARNING: These techniques are tested by very professional cons(punished) and you are advised “NEVER USE THESE AT WEBSITES”.

Black Hat SEO Techniques

Hidden Text


This Black Hat SEO technique is mainly used by the bloggers to increase their ranking in SERP. They first select a bunch of popular keywords for which they want to get ranked. Then they place those keywords on their web page in such a way that they can only be read by the Bots not by the Humans. They hide the keyword flood by writing the words with the font color exactly same as the background and then hide them behind the images.

Doorway Pages

Doorway Pages

Doorway are the specially created web pages which are stuffed with keywords to get high rank in search results. Some of the Doorway pages use a different tactic to get the maximum traffic on a particular page; they use a redirecting software that automatically directs the user from one page to another unrelated web page. These pages are also named as Spamdexing pages.

Content Scraping

Content Scrapping

Content Scraping is one of the most serious problems that SEO is suffering at the present time. This Black hat SEO technique uses some computer software to copy the high ranked content from different websites and then modify and use that on a single web page to get a high rank in SERP. Google is making strict steps to arrest these Black hat killer.



Cloaking is a trendy Black Hat SEO technique in which different web pages are presented to the Search Spiders and human Readers. These both pages are loaded on a single URL; the cloaking software distinguishes between the crawler and a human visitor and accordingly switch the pages. It is incorporated in two ways. In the first way; the keyword rich page is created for the Bot and in Second way only the moneymaking Ad page is shown to the visitor.

Keyword Stuffing

Keyword Stuffing

Most of the new bloggers try Keyword Stuffing Black Hat SEO technique to prove their sound presence in the web world. This may offer them The Star attention for a moment but it surely leads to the ‘Dumb Penalized hole’ after some time. To get a high rank in the search result they plant the Keywords with inappropriate density into the blogs. Let me give you a brief example of the same

Keyword Stuffing

I hope the topic of Keyword Stuffing will be clear to you now.

Link Spam

Link Spam

Link spamming is not a much popular SEO black hat trick due to the protective softwares and firewalls. Link spamming is the technique in which the links are pasted on the other web pages just for the merit. The link spamming can be performed by manually as well as with the aid of link generating softwares. There are different ways by which Link Spamming is performed; that includes Posting links in the comments, by SQL injection and in resource.

White Hat SEO

White Hat SEO are the techniques that follow the guidelines and rules as per suggested by the search engines. White Hat SEO techniques give a slow but static result. They had the lowest chance to get penalized. These white hat heroes are centralized on the user’s experience rather than visitor numbers. To give you a much wider information bandwidth; below I am providing the list of best White Hat SEO heroes.

White Hat SEO Techniques

Quality Content

Quality Content

The content of a website is the backbone of its ranking in SERP. The quantity as well as the quality of the content is directly proportional to the popularity of the website. If a web page is providing valuable information to the visitors then there are sharp chances that it will be in the cream list of search results.

Site Optimization

Site Optimization

Beside with content and back links; the manipulation of website structure and content wording is too plays an important role in SEO. This White Hat SEO technique includes tagging of solid titles, site structure, meta tags, alteration of content and page style.

Link Baiting

Link Baiting

Link Baiting is undoubtedly one of the most effective White Hat SEO technique. Visitors or readers always appreciate the innovative and informative content. Link Baiting is the process of creating the content that can enforce the user to link to your web page from other websites. These links boost up our ranking in SERP.

Internal Linking

Internal Linking

Internal linking is one of the hottest technique among the White Hat SEO that bounds the searching crawler in the website only. Internal Linking between different web pages of a single website makes it really hard for the search engines to get out of the website and hence more pages and keyword are indexed. Some of the websites incorporate fancy jQuery plugins and drop down navigation menu scripts that are not crawled by the search engines and hence remains unindexed.

Guest Blogging

Guest Blogging

Guest Blogging is one of the best White hat Search Engine optimization technique. This SEO technique includes the process of writing the blogs for someone else’s blog. This may provide you the backlink from those blogging sites and hence will improve your ranking in the search engine result page.

To provide a much liquid representation; below is the infographics that covers the every aspect of Black Hat SEO vs White Hat SEO technique incorporation with Gray Hat SEO technique.

Blackhat vs Whitehat SEO

Gray Hat SEO

Gray Hat SEO

Logically Gray is the color that lies between black and white and here too; Gray Hat SEO technique makes a way between Black and White SEO techniques. Gray hat is the technique in which the guidelines and rules of search engines are altered up to an extent. This technique provides moderate results with medium risk involved. This technique includes the tactics like Article Spinning, three way link exchange etc.

Some of these techniques are represented in the smart art below

Gray Hat SEO


It must be noted that the Black Hat SEO techniques may provide a swift result but Google and other search engines are smart enough to track the hole. So always relay on the White Hat SEO techniques to get a bit slow but static result in SERP.

“Rather than making Links that looks to be natural,

make links that are natural”

What do you think?

Written by Admin

Nola J Arney is working as an application and web developer at HTMLPanda. Her core technical skill in web designing, Sencha touch, PhoneGap, and other platforms has contributed a lot of benefits to the business. She has an interest in writing and hence, she has written numerous blogs & articles that specifically shed a light on website the designing & development technology. All her write-ups have earned a gratitude from the specialists worldwide.


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