
Ensuring Network Security in a Workplace

As user data regulations become more stringent, it has become increasingly important for you to invest in reliable Network security solutions. Follow these tips to ensure enhanced network security in the workplace.

1. Create Strong Passwords

The first step you can take to ensure network security in your workplace is to create strong passwords. The ideal password will be a combination of numbers, alphabets and special characters. It is also important to change it often. Ask your employees to create and change passwords for all their accounts including workstations, employee online portals, email accounts, and more. It is recommended to change passwords at least once per month. Create a password strategy and make sure that every employee knows about it.

2. Invest in Security Systems

When you invest in powerful workplace security systems, it pays you back manifold times. It is recommended to invest in different types of security systems including the following:

  • Anti-virus protection
  • Firewalls
  • Phishing blocking software
  • Intrusion detection systems
  • Spam filtering software

3. Never Disable Security Software

It is not just important to invest in Network security solutions, you should also manage them effectively. You should never disable any of the above-mentioned software. Create a company policy that prohibits employees from disabling any software or filters.

Certain filters can prevent users from opening certain websites or playing audio/video. This shouldn’t be a reason for them to put the workplace security at risk. You can take an even stronger preventative step by adding an admin-level password to all the security software.

4. Prevent Employees from Installing Programs

You should also create a policy that prevents employees from downloading programs on their own. Get your IT department to create a list of programs that can be downloaded. If they need to have another software, they should consult the IT team for guidance. Downloads can significantly increase the risk of security threats. It is also recommended to set admin-level passwords to prevent downloads.

5. Create Secure Cloud-based Backup Strategy

Every business has some backup plan. You should create a cloud-based secure backup strategy. It should keep your data safe and accessible under any circumstances. Cloud-based backup helps ensure that your data is stored in a remote location, featuring very high level of security.

If your employees backup their data on their computer system or on local server, even a single client getting infected can affect the entire network. Your data may get lost forever, without any chance of recovery. A secure cloud backup can be the perfect solution to this challenge.

6. Avoid Using Mobile Devices on Company Network

A company WiFi network is similar to a public network. When an employee connects to it, they are placing both their device and the company’s network at risk. Prevent your employees from connecting to the network.

7. Prevent Personal Internet Use

This strategy may vary based on the kind of company environment you may have. However, if you want to increase network security in your office, you should prevent employees from using the company network. The basic policy should be to discourage employees from spending time surfing the web during work hours. However, they should be allowed to access the web during their breaks.

So follow these tips to protect workplace network security. Keep all these points in mind when creating systems security policy for your offices to reduce exposure to security threats.

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Written by Webgranth


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