
Why Explainer Videos are Essential for Your Digital Marketing Strategy’s Success

Digital Marketing Strategy's Success

You have your digital marketing strategy set, it is time to light
up the fuse to see all the magic working together. You are
prepared for calls to roll in, emails for quotation, and active
checkout carts.

But you hear crickets. You get annoying promotional emails and
updates and almost no call or query, the checkout cart of your
product page has zero activities.

You are not alone, thousands of new business owners are going
through your current state. It is all happening for faulty strategy.

A missing puzzle piece to paint the bigger picture to your

You see digital marketing is not all about SEO, backlinks, blogs,
etc. It is much in-depth, it requires education, enlightenment,
entertainment, creating desire, making your audience recognize
your brand, and thousand other factors.

An explainer video creates hundreds of touch points in your
audience’s mind and takes them through a journey of awareness,
interest, desire, and action.

Now let’s see how your business will look in the first or second
year if you haven’t take explainer videos seriously.

Your business will have no organic growth

When you do not entertain people with your content, then your
audience looks for enlightenment, if that is also absent them

Guess what type of content gives people entertainment value
and/or educational value? Yes, an explainer video that is.

You may think an explainer video may be a cartoon that kids
consume, you’re wrong, you have kids living inside you and so
does all your potential consumers, which is why top companies
like Google, Dropbox, Uber all using explainer videos in almost
all their ad campaign.

Speaking of the ad campaign, your business will suffer
tremendous wastage of money in paid ad campaigns, like social
boost, ad-words, and whatnot.

Not having an explainer video to complement your ad campaign
is like climbing a mountain without a safety harness.

Your business will have no sales funnel

This one is a bit stingy, without any sales funnel despite having
tons of visitors on your site, none will convert as real &

I quote real here because to have an organic sale is like people
referring your brand to others, for this you have to have an
AIDA model to follow for the digital marketing arena.

Four things you need to move your consumers through in this
model, awareness is the first one. Top of the sales funnel you
need to put your brand float, it has to have entertainment value
and education, but not dumping data on strangers, because that’s what any other type of content would do, so pick an explainer video to do this heavy lifting.

The ‘I’ stands for interest, the consumer understood your product
or service, thanks to that animation production company who
created that outstanding explainer video.

For growing interest you need to include the unique selling point
of your product or service, or, the hook, the one reason why a
stranger might stop by and shop for your service.

A great script and 100% unique graphics will work like a charm,
your brand element is also responsible for generating interest, so
talk about this part clearly with your scriptwriter.

Now you have to take them on a journey even deeper in the

D for Desire, your explainer video must contain tons of benefits
and bit of features of your product or service, it is like instead of
explaining your clothes made of organic materials and durable
stitches, tell your audience it will provide utmost comfort and
joy wearing that PJs. These crates desire to own your product.

Finally ‘A’ stands for action, it is the bottom of your sales funnel,
here your ideal customer is ready to purchase your product all
you have to do is present them with an easy call to action. Like

buy now, get a free quote, and whatnot, you can add this on your
explainer video as well. At the very end.


In digital marketing explainer videos play a crucial role, even
your business can never work in digital space if you skip
producing an explainer video for your product and service, the
result may alter the structure of your entire business.

What do you think?

Written by webgranth


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