
Tips on Utilizing Twitter for Your Business

One of the things that these businesses rely on the most these days is social media. And they can certainly make more use of that, especially in the case of Twitter. This platform seems to be overshadowed by others, mainly Facebook and Instagram.

If you have next to no presence on Twitter, this article will be your lifeline. Make sure to read it and find out what you are missing out on.

Paid Promotion

You can expect a lot of reach by spending some funds on Twitter ads. The whole thing is relatively cheap and it can get you a lot of traction, especially if you are struggling with growing your account naturally.



Find out what are the best times to post and keep to that schedule. Ideally, you should be tweeting three times a day. This means a tweet for morning, afternoon, and evening each.

Once you do this for a month or so, you will see when your posts are getting the most engagement. It becomes easier to plan more important tweets. Also, keep track of engagement rate on the weekend, as it tends to fluctuate quite a lot on Saturdays and Sundays.


Get rid of the notion that Twitter is all about characters. You need to get the best possible visual aid to accompany every tweet. People pay more attention to these than the text. Also, do not forget another popular trend – emojis.

Giveaways and Contests

One of the oldest techniques to increase social media engagement is by hosting giveaways and contests. Twitter is a perfect platform to do that since you can ask for retweets as an entry fee.

Everybody loves free stuff, even when they do not really need it. You can offer products, discount codes, memberships, etc. It depends on what your business is.

Give A Teaser To The Audience

You can make things a bit more interesting and give teaser to your followers about the things to come. Everybody likes to do that to get the attention and curiosity of the audience. Movie trailers are a prime example.

Post The Same Thing Multiple Times

You would think being repetitive is a bad thing, but the case is a bit different when it comes to Twitter. The feed of an average Twitter user moves really fast and they are bound to miss some of your updates. If the information that you posted is very important, do not hesitate and repeat it.

Ask Questions

Another way to engage with your audience more is by asking questions. You can organize a quick poll to find out what your followers think about various intricacies.

Mention Others

If you have someone that you like to work with, or admire their content, do not hesitate and give them a shoutout via @mention. Everybody loves to get more attention on social media, and this type of behavior is bound to get a positive response. Other profiles will likely to reciprocate, and mention you in their next post as well.


When you reach a point where your brand has its own hashtag, you can definitely say that you made it. Hashtags have been around for more than 10 years now, and they are widely used on a variety of websites.

Of course, Twitter has started this trend, and it continues to rely on hashtags quite a bit. A good piece of advice would be to keep up with the twitter trending hashtags and include them in your post. This should give you a decent exposure.


For a variety of purposes, you can always post quotes. They tend to do quite well, especially on social media.

Research Your Competition

One of the best ways to get ahead of the rest is by researching the competition. If you feel like a company is doing something great with their Twitter campaign, borrow some of their ideas. At the same time, if you feel like they are damaging their brand, avoid doing this yourself at all costs.

Learn and Grow

Twitter marketing changes with time. You need to make sure that you keep up with everything that gets thrown your way. Otherwise, you will fall behind and catching up with your rivals might be too much.

To sum everything up, every tip mentioned in this article has value. All that is left now is to start putting these techniques to practical use. It will not take too long before you see how big of a difference a well-planned Twitter campaign can have.


What do you think?

Written by Admin

Nola J Arney is working as an application and web developer at HTMLPanda. Her core technical skill in web designing, Sencha touch, PhoneGap, and other platforms has contributed a lot of benefits to the business. She has an interest in writing and hence, she has written numerous blogs & articles that specifically shed a light on website the designing & development technology. All her write-ups have earned a gratitude from the specialists worldwide.


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