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Pinterest Business Page: How to Create Pinterest Business Account

If there was ever one thing to knock about Pinterest, the social network that built a name by allowing users to create their own digital pinboards, it would be the fact that it wasn’t necessarily a business-friendly platform. Sure, it was hyped as the next big social marketing tool, but with the site’s strict rules against advertising, brands that took the plunge were forced to walk on eggshells. Now it’s a whole new ball game.

In November 2012, Pinterest finally took the cue from Facebook, Google+, and Twitter by introducing business pages. Those who have been waiting for the invitation can sign up for a new account, while those with existing profiles can make the upgrade — all at no cost, of course.

Pinterest Appeal


Not yet on the bandwagon? These Pinterest statistics sum up why the unveiling of the new business pages suggest that now is the right time.

– At one time it generated more referral traffic than Google+, LinkedIn, and YouTube combined

– It is engaging and retaining users up to three times better in comparison to Twitter

– The buyers it sends spend more money and shop more frequently than those from the top five social networks

– 21% of users have purchased something after noticing it on Pinterest

– 47% of U.S. shoppers have purchased an item based on recommendations received on Pinterest

The new profiles also come with site verification, widgets, and other features that make it easier for marketers to connect with their audience on and off the network. With even better tools to work with, it wouldn’t be too far fetched to say that interest has more potential than ever. Here is how you can get up and running with your own business account.

Upgrade to or Create a New Account


Interest has made converting from an existing profile to a business page a seamless sync. The first thing you need to do is to visit the business portal on the official website. From there, click the “Convert your existing account” button, and enter the requested information. You’ll definitely want to create a custom URL for your profile because it helps with identity and visibility online.

Completely new to Pinterest? Well the process is almost just as easy. Visit the same portal, but this time, click the “New to Pinterest? Join as a business” link underneath the button, and enter the requested information on the next page. Since you’re a newcomer, you’ll be asked to give more details and upload a profile photo as well.

Verifying Your Account


The interest has a verification system designed to help businesses protect their identity. The process calls for you to download an HTML file to your computer, and then upload it to the server your website is hosted on. Once the file is approved, a checkmark will appear in your profile on Pinterest and your URL in the search results, serving as proof that your business page as been successfully verified. While this system isn’t perfect, it may discourage unscrupulous parties from trying to impersonate your business on the network.

Explore the New Features


Once your Pinterest business account has been verified, you’re technically good to go. However, if your goal is to maximize the effectiveness of your new profile, you will want to check out some of the new features Pinterest added. Perhaps the most interesting addition is the widget. There are actually two widgets: one that displays a collection of pins and leads visitors back to your business page, and another one that showcases individual boards.

Additionally, there are new, yet familiar buttons to play with. When placed on your site, the “Pin It” button lets visitors pin pieces of your content to their boards. And as the name suggests, the “Follow” button allows them to follow your business page directly from your website. Nothing special here, but these features provides a simple way for people to connect with your new interest profile, which is definitely what you want.


With the buzz from its initial round of hype having died down considerably, the highly anticipated launch of business accounts could be exactly what Pinterest needed to once again start turning heads. The marketing community certainly appears grateful as brands are converting, signing up, and trying to put a positive stamp on their new profiles. It will be interesting to see what type of results this feature can produce.

Have you set up an Pinterest business account? Tell us all about it in a comment.

About Author

Francis Santos is a writer for Benchmark Events, a best practices event marketing company.

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Written by Admin

Nola J Arney is working as an application and web developer at HTMLPanda. Her core technical skill in web designing, Sencha touch, PhoneGap, and other platforms has contributed a lot of benefits to the business. She has an interest in writing and hence, she has written numerous blogs & articles that specifically shed a light on website the designing & development technology. All her write-ups have earned a gratitude from the specialists worldwide.


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