Today, engaging in a video is 33 percent of world’s online activity. By 2019, video watching will comprise 80 percent of the global internet traffic. By 2020, video will be 75 percent of mobile web traffic.
If you want to take advantage of the above numbers, then study carefully these 6 video marketing tips that will increase your traffic.
Make attractive YouTube thumbnails.
The small rectangles below are thumbnails. Their main function is to represent a video.
There are many ways to make attractive YouTube thumbnails. Unless you have a more interesting image on the later part of your video, your thumbnail must be from the first 10-15 seconds of your actual video. This makes your thumbnail helpful to your viewers because they are very relevant.
YouTube overlay showing your video’s total time is situated on the bottom right. So don’t put any text there, otherwise it won’t be readable.
Do not use the same background for any of your two or more videos. Sometimes, people mistook them as the same videos. But, you may use similar styles of texts and other graphics in your videos. This will help you create your own unique identity, and provide convenience in easily recognizing your works.
Connect your viewers to your other videos, channels or websites through end screens.
From viewers’ perspective, end screen is very useful. After they finish watching a video, these popping end screens help them learn other additional materials with related contexts.
The more end screens, the better, cliché as this may sound, but this is very important. The explanation is simple.More end screens mean more opportunities to market your channel, website, and other videos. It doesn’t always need to be all yours too; you can also use the strategy of networking with your friends.
End screen helps promote interaction with your viewers, so it’s very fun to incorporate it to your video marketing as a drive for contextual traffic.
Write killer titles
Don’t forget your grammar lessons; they come in handy when making titles for your videos, especially on the part of choosing the right words.
The right words for your title must be spellbinding; something that will give them unexplainable urges to watch the entire video.
You may start with making plenty short undeveloped titles, then one by one, decide which captures your attention first and really talks about your video.
From there, edit your title by making it more appealing to any significant human interest.
Optimize your videos’ tags
Uploading a YouTube video requires you to make a specific tag to it. Tags are keywords describing your video.
Tags help the internet understand what your video is all about, in order to rank it. Higher ranking means more efficient video marketing. This is true especially in YouTube.
Tags may be one word, several words or even misspelled words (capitalizing on misspelled searches). The importance of making your tags very interesting is self-explanatory.
In order to help you decide on your tags, you may use some tools like simple browser extensions – VidIQ and TubeBuddy. They give you all the data of the video you are watching. You might get some ideas from the tags of others for sure.
Embed videos in emails and blogs
A video adds clarity in the messages that you put in your text. It adds value especially if it is in line with your context. That is why, videos marketed through emails and blogs have twice to thrice increase in their number of viewers. It saves the site visitor time and effort in interpreting texts.
Video links may also be another way of promoting videos through emails and blogs; however, links will direct your visitors elsewhere while embedded videos play directly on the blog post or email. So, you have more chances of gathering and keeping plenty of viewers.
Of course, all of your efforts will be wasted if the quality of your videos is poor. You must also have an appropriate camera for YouTube (David from can help you with that) and other similar platforms. Everyone in his right mind likes clear and awesome videos, and having an appropriate camera is the right way of starting it.
GIF is a convenient tool for video marketing in blogs and emails
While the above tip is very promising, it has a simple loophole. Not all emails patronize embedded videos. Aside from it, this is actually unusual (but not impossible) in emails to display embedded videos, the file size of videos lower site speed, and most email users are usually in a hurry. Chances are, your videos won’t be noticed.
This is why, GIF is a convenient tool. The most popular site for it is GIPHY. GIPHY has a function for you to create your own GIF from a stock of videos or from your own uploaded files. Thus, you will have more freedom to pick the right GIF to make your point clear to your viewers.
Armed with all these 6 video marketing tips will surely skyrocket your traffic. So, start brainstorming and put your ideas into actions now!
Author Bio:
Hi, I’m George. I have been a camera enthusiast from 2008. Cameraseals is my personal blog where I share most of my interests and experiences from using cameras. You will find helpful topics even if you’re a beginner or long-time user.