Almost all designers always attempt to procure the answer regarding what amount of time should be invested on mockups, wireframes and design comps. Also, they seems to be confused either they should spend time in order to develop websites as soon as possible or strive for pixel perfection. Though, creating a pixel perfect website requires tons of time and efforts, but once created, it convey more professional look as well as deserve a personality of its own.
However, we can summarize Pixel Perfect in words as – it is the process where all components and objects of website design or layout are aligned and resized to accurate pixel sizes and placement. Also, pixel perfect feature allows web-designers and developers to overlay each and every component of a website over developed HTML.
Therefore, in coming section of this post we are going to discuss an amazing Pixel Perfect tool CSS Precise; that will make you learn to employ pixel perfect feature in very simple, easy and affable way, you never experience earlier. Undoubtedly, Pixel Perfect website design emphasize on excellent presentation as well as easy and affable navigation for web visitor. Moreover, it lets you start with right step and then sport confidently till the project become finished.
Now, take a look over the simple and easy procedural of CSSPrecise that will make you learn how to employ the amazing feature of Pixel Perfect as well as implement accordingly to your project and achieve a high-quality pixel perfect site.
How to access CSSPrecise
Accessing CSSPrecise is very simple and affable just like having a cup of tea. Only you are required to put a little bit of efforts to perform three easy steps as provided below:
Step 1: Upload website image
First of all you are required to visit the site CSSPrecise and click the link adjacent to ‘Upload the Image’ in order to upload your concerned image towards analyzing the pixel perfection with the image’s relevant site. In CSS Precise, you can upload almost all formats of images including JPG, PNG, TIF, GIF etc.
Step 2: Enter website URL
Next, you are required to input the image’s relevant website URL in the designated box replacing the text like Then click the button incorporating the text “Click Here to Check” to proceed further.
Step 3: Adjust Your Website Image
Eventually, you can analyze the pixel perfection for the respective website in account of uploaded image. However, CSS Precise incorporate tools at wide length for easy navigation, adjusting front & background image with design opacity, page opacity, placement button, image position, on/off button, switcher and etc. for enhanced pixel perfection analyzing and adjustment. Above image is an example of real time checking pixelperfect of a website.
Above snapshot is an example of analyzed pixel perfect. However, it says that the front image must be completely overlapped with background image. This is perfect pixel website.