
5 Blog Design Tips To Make People Actually Read What You Write

5 Blog Design Tips To Make People Actually Read What You Write

Always remember the fact that people make their decision of staying on a blog or leaving in just a few seconds. This means that one of the first things they look at is the design. You can have the very best possible content written and still end up with a failure to get the attention it deserves simply because of poor design.

Fortunately, there are many different things that can be done when you want to improve the design of your blog. The following suggestions help people read the content and can be used for everything from corporate blogs to student blogs.

Eliminate Page Bloat

Statistics show us that the average webpage size is 1,200 KB. This keeps growing. The problem is that a larger webpage is not great for site owners or for users. Slower performance appears. Around 40 percent of visitors leave sites if they do not load in 3 seconds. This is even more problematic when looking at mobile device users.

Usually, the problem is there are way too many extra elements present on a blog that are simply not needed. At the same time, most webmasters upload images without properly optimizing them. It is really important that you use an image compression plugin so you can automatically compress all images uploaded. Also, website resources like CSS codes and JavaScripts need to be as small as possible.

Simplify Blog Navigation

Think about various ways in which you can simplify blog navigation. This includes the Menus, tags, categories and anything else you might add so that navigation goes as smoothly as possible.

Remember the fact that there will be many blog visitors that will not land on the content that they actually need. Having proper navigation in place allows you to help visitors reach the wanted content.

As a bare minimum, every single blog needs the following components:

  • Search Box
  • Menu
  • Contact Page
  • About Page

Besides all this, make sure that blog logos are clickable so visitors can easily reach the home page.

Have Your Best Content In Front

When you see that there are pages that do attract a lot of traffic, you found content that is very useful for your target audience. This is why you want to make it as easy as possible for visitors to locate that content. Popular pages are popular for a reason. Try to promote them as much as possible. In some cases, this might mean you want to add them to the navigation menu. If not, you can surely advertise such pages right at the bottom of the page.

Content Has To Look Good

People are always picky when it comes to how they like their pages to look. It is no longer just about the content. You need to be able to present the content in a way that is as attractive as possible. This means you have to properly format everything and maybe even make design changes.

A great place to start is to be sure that sub headings and headings are clearly defined. Most readers will skim your content first so try to add bullet points with important things that have to stand out and capture attention. This is why adding videos and images is always a very good idea for blogs.

Double Check The Mobile-Friendly Version Of The Blog

The number of people that use mobile devices to browse the internet is constantly growing. In fact, mobile web traffic already surpassed desktop traffic. Fortunately, most blogs have mobile-friendly versions. Unfortunately, most blog owners do not check these versions to make sure everything looks great.

Remember that when you have to zoom in so you can see text, visitors are not going to stick around. They will just look for another blog with the information they need.

What do you think?

Written by webgranth


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