Often times, the small things matter enormously and they add up to quite a huge deal. In this article you will be able to see what you can do to improve your SEO ranking today. While there are many solutions that show their effects over long period of time, these particular solutions have the benefit of showing results almost immediately. They aren’t well guarded secrets but merely details that many people have overlooked. Now, you can see just what you shouldn’t overlook further since it can bring you a great deal of satisfaction when your SEO ranking goes up. So let’s see what it is that you can do. Also keep in mind that once you nail down SEO for your website you can visit here to learn more from Apple about marketing, using proper marketing strategies and the best ways to do it.
The domain name or the URL is the address people type into their browsers to get to your website. It’s incredibly important that you come up with something clever or catchy, or both, to represent your online business. This is the first thing anyone will see regarding your store, including Google, so it will take your URL into account heavily when it’s time to rank your website. Try to make it easy to understand what your website is about and what people can expect once they go to that address.
Title and Description
This is a part of the web address that not a lot of people are aware of. You can see the title of your web page, of any specific web page for that matter, by hovering over its tab in the browser. Both that and the description for that page which isn’t visible count immensely towards how Google perceives your website and how it ranks it. Make sure to take the time to add a title and description appropriate for each page as it will boost your SEO considerably.
Add links to pages on your website that redirect users to other important pages
This is important because it adds to how easily visitors can get around on your website. Make sure to add links preferably through anchor texts that will take people to important locations on your website. Instead of spending time searching for a page, a visitor will just click the link and your SEO will benefit greatly in the process.
Use Alt Text on Images
Making your website text SEO friendly is one thing, but you have to care about your website images as well. Each image is represented in Google’s eyes by an Alt Text which can be modified to suit each image. Make this text very descriptive to what the image represents so that it can be better integrated into SEO.