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Top 20 jQuery Image Zoom Effect Plugin for WordPress

Image is the graphical description that shows entity to make the idea or concept more understandable. To have a clear view of the image whether it is large or short dimension, it is required to look the image from very close which is not possible through the monitor. But there is one thing that can do this very easily that is zoom-in or zoom-out. Zoom-in means to see the image more closely and zoom-out is absolute opposite of this. Coding the zooming function is not so easy this need very hard coding. So here this post is bringing you top most website that provides Image Zooming Jquery Plugin. These image Zooming Plugins are dynamic. Let’s have look on the all these site and enjoy zooming functionality.

Top 20 Image zooming Jquery Plugin

Epic zoom image

epic zoom image

Epic zoom image is an outstanding Image Zooming JQuery Plugin provides zoom in functionality to the image, that can be easily installed, support all kind of layouts, user-friendly configurable magnification level and image preloading support.

Featured Image Zoomer

feature image zoomer

Featured Image Zoomer is Image Zoom effect jQuery Plugin that is as the name implies feature-full magnifier. Here zooming level is easily tweak with the help of mouse-wheel. This plug-in support Customizable lens styling such as dimension, border and multi zooms which is plus points for viewing any image such as product, or associated images.

jq Zoom Evolution

jq Zoom Evolution

jq Zoom Evolution is the jQuery image Zoom effect Plugin that is built on Jquery Java script Plugin. That can be applied to any kind of image and is cross platform. This magnifier is user friendly. This Plugin support various zooming aspects such as standard, drag and inner zoom.

Hover Zoom

Hover Zoom

Hover Zoom is the Image Zoom effect jQuery Plugin is very simple magnifier with simple hovering technique. The scripting is compatible with almost all the web coding.

jQuery Zoom

jquery Zoom

jQuery Zoom is the jQuery Image zoom effect Plugin to enlarge the image by simply hovering the mouse or by clicking the mouse over the image . This hovering Plugin also support toggling and grab events.

Zoome Jquery Image Zoom effect Plugin

Zoome Jquery

Zoome is very eminent Image Zoom effect jQuery Plugin that support hover events, graphics effects such as blur, grayscale, and transparent and also support cross browser platform. Here is the glimpse.

NuvoZoom2.0: simple with elegant feature


NuvoZoom2.0 is jQuery Image Zooming Plugin that is simple to use with powerful features easy to magnify and short coding for integrating magnification features, in and out animation effects and lot more.

Swinxy Zoom

Swinxy Zoom

Swinxy Zoom is the image zooming jQuery Plugin that is most advanced and powerful magnifier that put level of zooming functionality to grand level. This is coded to be worked on almost all the devices and platform.

ZoomBox 2 – The Photographer’s Premium Lightbox


ZoomBox2 is the Image Zoom effect Jquery Plugin with touches optimized features, high quality design, social media connectivity, retina ready image, complete responsive design, SEO friendly and lots more.

Smooth Zoom Pan

Smooth Zoom Pan

Smooth Zoom Pan a jQuery Image Zoom effect Plugins is very advantageous in term of providing animation effects, aspects of Image such as border size, color transparency, size changes according to browser size and lots more.

HoverEx – jQuery image hover animation plugin


HoverEx the jQuery Image Zoom effect Plugin that support various animation effects, magnifying image effects, image slider support, inline zoom support and much more.

jQuery gzoom plugin

jQuery gzoom Plugin

jQuery gzoom plugin the image zooming jQuery Plugin is very simplest zooming feature such as click plus to zoom in and minus to zoom out, drag slider to zoom or click the image to show in light box style.

Anything Zoomer jQuery Plugin

Anything Zoomer jQuery Plugin

Anything Zoomer jQuery Plugin, an outstanding Image Zoom Effect jQuery Plugin having flexibility in terms of Image handling such as depicting large, small or medium image, any type of image mean textual image, graphical image or report.

Image Zoom 2.0

image Zoom 2

Image Zoom 2.0, jQuery Zoom effect Image Plugin that make mouse pointer to the image and open it in large size at pop up window at same origin.

jQuery plugin : Fancy Zoom

Fancy Zoom

Fancy Zoom the Image Zoom effect jQuery Plugin is very powerful and flexible. This Plugin is providing smooth visibility with Mac like effects and various animation effects.

Image Effect Packs:- jQuery Pack

Image effect pack

Image Effect Packs an Image Zoom jQuery Plugin is the ultimate pack of outstanding function for Image zooming effect. The key features are installation time is one minute compatible with almost all digital devices such iPad, iPhone and lot more and support light box.



Etalage is the outstanding and lightweight jQuery Plugin for Image Zoom effect. Customizable styling is supported, easy to integrate and support user friendly positioning with almost all the platform of the site.

Jquery iviewer

jQuery iviewer

Jquery iviewer is the Image Zoom effect jQuery Plugin assist in loading images in container features with the ability to zoom image and position the image with the help of mouse.

ImageLens – A jQuery plug-in for Lens Effect Image Zooming

Image lens zooming effect

ImageLens the jQuery Image zoom effect Plugin is the brilliant extension. That can smartly integrate with website and can easily be handled by developers. This effect with lens looks so awesome and beautiful.

Image Zoomer Effect

Image Zoomer Effect

Image Zoomer Effect is the wonderful jQuery Image Zoom Plugin having specific features such as customizable magnifier, support any kind of Image, compatible with all platform and much advance features.


This post is designed to provide the jQuery Image Plugin for Zoom effect in the website. These plugins are very smart because they can be easily integrated with kind of platform and will be helpful in increasing speed of loading image. Hopefully this post has widened the options for implementing image zooming effects. If you find some better solutions out of these Plugin please share through guest blog. Share your views about this post via comment section given below.

What do you think?

Written by Steven Bowen


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