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Microcopy: What is Micro copy ? Micro Business Can Used Effectively?

Microcopy is now become the great source of guidance for the visitors of the site. A good and effective Microcopy improves user’s experience and interaction. We can call Micro copy a short text that minimizes the misconception arises among the visitors of the web page. So here you will learn the concepts of Microcopy with the help of web site which are effectively utilizing Microcopy. It is believed that these examples would definitely give eminent ideas for using Microcopy in your web pages.

What is Microcopy?

Microcopy, a micro text conveying crucial information in microseconds; means that few words to reveal helpful guidelines. Now the question how Microcopy is helpful and where it can be utilized. In this post, the nitty-gritty of Microcopy is brought, so that you can have the clear picture of every aspect of Microcopy.

In current digital world, we experiences a lot of flexibility in technology such as online banking transaction, installing an application, operating websites and much more, this flexibility come from effective Microcopy. Micro texts ease the way for users to use the websites or online applications.

Utilization of Microcopy with examples

Below are the examples of some successful websites that give most of the credit to Microcopy. Microcopy not only improves the interaction but also increase the revenue multiplicity. Let know their story.

Tumblr is the blogging site that recently added a new version of sigh up page this page is a lot more in itself. Here you have noticed that all the user interface fields are given names such as the first text field is for the email, second for the password and third for a name. Then at last, there is button with label “Sigh up and Start Posting”. These all hints give a closer idea that you just need to add your email, name and password and then start writing. This is one of the best examples of Microcopy.

virb is the wonderful Microcopy example. The design of is beautifully groomed from top to bottom. Under the heading section, there is a brief summary about the site, then features of services offered with cost are mentioned, after this, customers feeds and then at last green color “Get Started” button is given. This shows that first knows the company what is its features, what this company offer and then applies for services.


Zendesk, software based company, which provides an outstanding software tool to do help desk reporting service, email tracking and self-service portal. Zendesk used Microcopy in very simple manner and effective manner. Microcopy alleviates users in using Zendesk and makes the features clear among users so that they do not have any doubts regarding deals.


Microcopy featured great site that is Here every bit of space is utilized effectively in using micro text. 37signal provide free web based app to manage site. The design of the site is outstandingly texted that suit customer’s all the answer before questioning such as in the heading section all three services are mentioned in a short form so that customers understand this as early as possible and apply for the service.


Zappos an outstanding online outlet is the great example of Microcopy. The titled search bar with hints such as shoes, garments, bags convey an to the customer that what they can find on this outlet store; the heading section texted with the current offer that the outlet is introduced, the bottom section features the quality of products this whole structure leave the best impression among customers . Zappos has left no stone unturned in case of implementing Microcopy.


From these above examples, it is cleared that what Microcopy is. Microcopy is used to make clear communication with short and meaning full message. Before putting Microcopy, you must remember some fundamentals of writings

* Never use slang

Try to use simple word or meaning full word so that any person can understand.

* The sentence must be short and clear

Size of sentences should not be more than 4-5 words unless it is necessary.

* Uniform information

Put the information covering wide varieties of customer and avoid discrimination.

* Use microcopy effectively

Put yourself in the users’ shoes to understand is there anything lagging in content features and put up contents accordingly.

This post makes the concepts clear about microcopy. If you have, any doubt you can write in the comment section so that we can know the problem and try to bring the more examples in the next post.

What do you think?

Written by Steven Bowen


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